Sunday, May 31, 2009

10 miles of hiking & THE moose!

It was a wonderful day.
Kaycee and I had planned to hike today and then Jenny came along. We drove up to Savage River - about `15 miles into the park. Our hike was a simple 2 mile trek - but the warm morning gave way to icy winds while we were out. Hoary Marmots and snow-shoe hares met us along the way. We found numerous moose prints - but no moose. I carried my new bear bell and my bear spray. The trail was excellent and well maintained. After our simple hike we drove back down. We spotted a large moose with a huge rack munching willows above the one road in the park and pulled over. I got incredible pictures of him as he continued to graze. When he began to walk down the hill toward ourselves, we got nervous and I admit we re-entered the car. He came right up to the car and gave us great portraits of himself then moved on. Somehow I'll get these pictures of grizzlies and moose - taken from 10 feet onto the computer. Meanwhile, I'm amazed at our great fortune!
We went to Morino's for lunch - a coffee house that was started when the park opened, about 1917 and then decided to hike some more. We hiked the Horsehoe Lake Trail - but got a bit lost so ended up starting to head uphill to Mt. Healy ( a mile or so of lost wandering!). We figured it out and went back to the correct trailhead. That was another 3 mile hike - At the end was a huge beaver dam and another moose . What a beautiful day.
Finally, we intended to take the park shuttle back to the lodge but realized it wasn't due for an hour - so we hiked out of the park (another 3 miles) and back to the lodge.
I was not sure my feet would walk again but since then we've helped Sdjern celebrate his 28th birthday - he's here working from Serbia and this is likely to be his last summer in the USA. He is an integral part of our team and beloved by all - certainly including me.
Finally, I'm clean and in my nighties and ready to get some sleep so I can show up at work again tomorrow.
I want to do this again next summer.
I wonder HOW.

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