Tuesday, June 2, 2009

New world

Tonight's blog will be different and also short since I'm back at work early tomorrow.
My job at LBCC ended. So did all our team's jobs.
I can barely believe it.
So this is what having the rug pulled out from under one really feels like.
I love our college and our supervisor.
I always knew our grant could suddenly disappear.
After 10-1/2 years, I'd begun to doubt it would end.
It did.
I refer to my LBCC job as my "real" job.
Suddenly, my Alaska job IS my "real" job.
What about Madeleine, Martin & Patty?
The meandering realities of life continue with or without my permission or even awareness.
I'm so proud of the team I've worked with
Today in Alaska, the weather was a bit warmer again today. It had gotten cold and windy.
Today in Alaska I met people from Bulgaria and Santa Clara, from Taiwan and Thailand.
There are people in Oregon reeling from new realities.
I reel too.


  1. This is the second time in thirty-five years I have been laid off. I will be ok, but I worry about our clients. They are the ones who will suffer. Case workers with larger case loads, less mentoring, less one on one, less possibility for better futures. Why is it when the down trodden need help the most, we give the least. Thank you for your ten years of giving.

  2. I am sorry about your job Barb. But if I know you as well as I think I do, you will land on your feet. I am saying prayers for all of you.

  3. Hi Barb, It is Reta here. Cyrel was kind enough to send me an email about Parenting Time. My first though was of you and the rest of the team. I know this was your baby and it is going to be hard to say good-bye to it. I wish I could join you with a cup of tea, enjoying the evening and talking. I about died laughting when they told me you were in Alaska....did a Pide Pipper chase all the bears away? Drop me an email when you have the time. In the mean time have fun...it sounds like a wonderful adventure.

  4. Bless you on this new twist of your journey. It's not just happenstance that you're far away in Alaska when this news came to you. God makes no errors. You must rest in His hands now and let Him direct your journey. I will add you to my daily voyage prayers on my 25 minute drive to work every day. Happy trails!

  5. Yay...I finally signed up for a blog account in order to leave you messages on here! I'm so sorry to hear about the LBCC program. I know it was close to your heart. However, I have a feeling that God has some awesome adventures in store for your future! I love you and miss you. I look forward to your return trip home...and to see what comes next in your journey.

  6. I'm saddened to hear about the loss of the Parenting Time grant - I am saddened for you and your team's loss of employment, and especially those families that are losing your valuable services.
