Sunday, June 28, 2009

Air Traffic Control - on the ground in Alaska

We saw the mother and calf moose on the road in to work again this morning. The calf has grown to nearly 1/3 his mother's height. I believe it's the same pair we've seen repeatedly - grazing along the Parks Highway. It's a pretty smart place for them to hang out - the grizzlies generally tend to avoid proximity to the highways - and it's the grizzlies who pose the greatest danger to the calves. The first time we saw that pair, the calf's legs were so wobbly they didn't tend to move his body in any particular direction! It's pleasant to get to watch him grow up this summer.

In fact, a grizzly and a man (tourist) surprised each other this past week along my favorite trail. Both went in opposite directions, thank heaven!

Generally, hiking is invigorating and safe, but my work partner today was jogging along the highway and accidentally locked eyes with a moose who was also out jogging. The moose began a charge. The young man backed up. The moose continued to glare but walked off.

Didi was here! That visit was SO enjoyable! I have pictures. A friend will help me post them later when we have the same evening off again.
We did get up to Eielson Center and we hiked a bit - my favorite part is remembering that we sat on a ledge overlooking a canyon and watched caribou and a moose. The moose was lovely. The moose walked, posed for photo op's and then lay on the grass. I remember that Sharon & John MIGHT be coming in this direction but I don't have any idea when or if, for sure.

Today my job was "Expeditor". It was my first day in this part of the work. My partner (and leader!) was a young man who has his masters degree in Parks & Rec and who just moves from one national park to another - getting varied experience - very, very bright! (but same man who locked eyes with moose)
Our job was to facilitate the loading and unloading of busses. My partner refers to this job as - air traffic control - on the ground. I counted what I thought were 39 busses and two trains on our agenda - but quickly discovered those were only the ones we got to know about before they arrived - the actual number was half again more. Our day started 1/2 hour before the first bus arrival - 5:00 a.m.
I am only up that early if I'm going deep sea fishing.
In order to be at work by 5, it's necessary to get up at 3:45.
We worked fast and hard and the end of the day came quickly - but I needed a nap when I got back here. That young man will really go places in Parks and Rec within the next ten years. I learned a lot from him - and he's terrific with the people. If you figure there were about 36 people on each bus, well - lots of people were coming and going today. A few missed their rides and I got to drive a large van to get people where they meant to go but missed.

It was fun. I'm glad that tomorrow I'm behind the tour desk again and being cashier -whew, that'll be easier! But I hope I get to expedite again soon.
It's COLD up here today - and the north wind is blowing.
Yesterday was beautiful, almost 70 degrees and blue sky.


  1. Did you feel the 5. something earthquake that was 60 miles north of Anchorage?

  2. Hi Mom~ We received your package today. Thank you for the beautiful soap. The boys will be here this weekend and I know they will treasure their gifts from Gramma! Will found out yesterday that his EAS (end of active service) will not be until July 31st. This puts our travel planning on hold. I took the summer off of school and believe that to be the best decision I've made in quite some time. I think by the start of Fall term I will be chomping at the bit to do some math :) I miss you and love you. I look forward to your return.


  3. I copied off the June post and gave them to your mom on Sunday. She looked good and seemed to be doing ok. I love work that is so involving that I don't notice the time passing, and I love logistical task. I some times think I would like to try what you are doing, but then I spend a day with the grand kids and I know I'm done working. I can't wait to see photos. I saw one of you getting ready to head down the trail with Didi. Looked like you guys were having fun. I have the Fourth off for the first time in years. I hope to do something fun.
    I hope you get photos of the moose calf at different stages, it would be fun to compare.
    Blessings to you. Martin
