Sunday, June 14, 2009

It wsas an earthquake!

The internet is down and I’ve just discovered what happened the other day – the landslide that spooked the moose, her calf and the hikers (INCLUDING me!) was due to an earthquake!
I’ve felt kind of silly after writing that – wondering what kind of exaggerated reaction we’d had!
We were so scared we didn’t even realize the earth under us was also moving. Another outfitter was on a tour up among the Polychrome Mountains – a single lane dirt road – part of the only road into the park when the earthquake hit. Their bus was already stopped – mountain on one side and cliff on the other – they were fine but a hill in front of them collapsed! None of the road was damaged.
So. That sure would explain all that.
It’s one thing to read that Alaska has 1-2 earthquakes a day somewhere in its interior. It’s another to hear and feel a landslide, see a moose get upset and try to figure out what the heck was happening.
So…Martin told me I can just copy and paste anything onto the blog. This’ll be the test. I’m excited about finding out what had happened and need to write right now!
Perhaps I could add some pictures here too.
You’ll know if it worked.

Hmm. Looks like it’ll be there.

This is one of my FAVORITES ( I WAS back in the car by THEN!)


Gee, this is great! These are three of my favorites and if only internet comes back on in the next few days and this copies to the blog, why then I will have sent pictures!
(See why it’s so great here!?)
Tomorrow I’m heading back into the park on the Tundra Wilderness Tour. I’m feeling very happy that some ladies tonight asked me to join them at the end of this month on an escapade. They’ve rented a car (I’ll share expenses with them) and we’re heading toward Anchorage for


  1. I'm so much more worried about you up there NOW!!! geee.... Well at least you're not bored up there but I hope you're missing me. Love you mom! -Laurie (your daughter who finally figured out this whole blog thing at 1:05 am hehehe- and you say I'M the one who is good with computers :P )

  2. No pictures yet. I will try to send step by step instructions instructions. I am so enjoying your adventure.
