Friday, May 15, 2009


Today the guests began arriving. The word yesterday was 400. By evening the gossip said 500 would be here today. By this morning people were saying 600.
All were underestimates.
Tomorrow will be more.
I had an easy job today - working in an office taking questions over the phone. They're so good to us. It was just what I needed with this cold - and it was nice to not be around lots of people - just time to learn and work in a quiet spot. (and I didn't give anyone else a cold!)
Hey, Martin & Trudy figured a way to print out the blogs so my mom can read them. That's so terrific. I don't seem to have time to talk much at all. I worked from 8-5 today and then to meet a minor emergency, stayed a couple more hours - it was an easy day but it was long and I just want to get to bed so I can get up again tomorrow.
The guests were so much fun to watch today. I visited with some during my lunch break. The weather was spectacular. It was a bit warmer and the sky was so clear - everywhere you looked there were snow covered rugged mountains behind you - whew. The trolleys were running. A friend is a trolley driver - wears a black trolley hat and a black jacket - looks like 1920. Really cute. Next I'll try to learn how to put pictures on this. It took me nearly an hour to log on tonight - I guess they updated the blogspot or something - it doesn't take much to confuse me.
I did not go 4-wheeling today. I didn't fly or geo-cache or anything today.
It was great, anyway.
Please let me know how you are.
I'm able to read my yahoo e-mail.
I can't get into me comcast e-mail - right now doesn't seem to want to come up - but it's probably me . . .I'll figure out one thing at a time.
Some friends are thinking about coming to Alaska this summer. There's never been a more reasonable time to come - great deals - and friends of staff can get great deals on rooms -I'll find out more soon.
This fall Public TV will be running several specials about Alaska - the 50th anniversary of statehood. I'm so glad I get to see so much firsthand.
I don't seem to get much time off. It looks like I get a day off a week from Sunday - possibly - ha,oh well. It's good work.
Take care,
Be well


  1. Hi, it's Jane! Finally found you. Got your email too. You mentioned you can't get to your comcast email? Does that mean you've never checked the web based mail? Type in your browser line "". When the site appears then on the upper left it says "email". Click that and it then asks for your username and password on your comcast account. You enter that and you can go to your email. It's very simple. I read mind from work often . It sounds like you're really cut out for the job you have. Today it will be 80 and tomorrow too. We're off to do a gig. later. jc

  2. We have had a glorious weekend, 80 degrees and sunny. Had Emily over for Fri and Sat. She cried when mom came to pick her up. Her vocabulary is exploding. Call me grampa finally and Trudy she call Mom as her mom and dad and aunts and uncles all call her mom. I hope you get more time off than you mentioned. I will try to see your mom on Monday or Tuesday as we missed church today.
