Monday, May 18, 2009

Martin and Trudy, I envy your time and relationship with your granddaughters! I love how languages are grown - how young people say words for the FIRST time in their lives and how amazing each new experience is.
I miss so many people - but today I was in a gift shop finding things for my grandsons and my granddaughter. I found books about Alaska - one for each. Now I have to figure out how to get envelopes that'll hold them.
The schedule has been changed again and I have two days off next weekend. That's amazing! I'm very lucky. I've checked with my niece from Wasilla and she is coming for the weekend. I am hoping that soon my nephew and his family can also come for a weekend SOON. I haven't seen them since my sister (his mom) and I visited here a few years ago - I even hope my niece from Wasilla can finally meet my nephew from Glenallen! At any rate, it looks like there will be an available room for them here. They'll get a $300 room for $25 a night. Pretty cool, huh!
I'm making friends and finding lots of time where I suddenly realize I'm relaxed. Went for a long walk last night and didn't find a single bear! Tonight I played Mexican Train dominoes with a friend and two more ladies let me know they're willing to go hike with me later this week. I really wish I could get somewhere to shop for bear spray. Oh well.
6,000,000 acres in this park and only 300 grizzly bears -
I'm still in the back office doing "auditing" stuff - I'm still getting over quite a cold and they're being real good to me - letting me sit in a warm office and work at my own pace. Also, I'm not contaminating all the guests -
Work is settling in to a bit of a routine. The weather is incredible. Already, it's WARM - just a few days after freezing cold - and it's 11:30 p.m. and still light outside. The sun set a few minutes ago - but it's nowhere near dark.
I like sitting here in Alaska looking at life, looking at my life.
I appreciate the opportunity to put this into a "blog", a journal, that friends may check periodically ornot. It helps me look clearly at what I'm doing and what it means for me at this time.
I've been working these recent days for a young man named Jason. There's a clock in the office with no hands. Across the front, he wrote "NOW"
We work. We keep working. We get things done.
and the time is always now.
thanks for reading.

1 comment:

  1. This morning I am enjoying the last of the sun shine. It is going to turn wet as the day goes on. glad that you are getting some time off. We are getting ready for my nephew Brians wedding and the next day we are celebrating my sister Sheila's 60th. I find it hard to believe my baby sister is sixty.
    Are you far enough north to have 24 hours of sun or do you get a little night time? I'm wondering if they have an nocturnal animals up there and how they cope. I would have guessed there were more grizzles, are there other species of bear there. What has surprized you the most about the area where you are?
    Well I going to take advantage of the sun and today we will take the hard copies of the blog to your mom.
