Friday, August 7, 2009

Slightly R rated

Generally, I am loathe to use colloquial words to describe bodily functions. However, to remember and to tell this story, I'll do that. Hopefully, you'll better see this brief story. I know I'll remember it better because of how it was told.

Andrew is 6'6" and works with me and 8 others as an "outfitter". He is in his second season as "Outfitter" and has talked all season about In the Wild (can't find underline).
Last year he hiked to the abandoned bus featured in that book. He's been planning all summer to hike there again. He went earlier this week with a young couple, Betsy & Danny - who are celebrating their honeymoon with us this summer. They were married just before they picked several of us up from Anchorage Airport at the start of the season.
The three of them packed carefully and took off up the Stampede trail. Andrew says the river was up and he actually got nervous walking across it but they made it fine. They hiked along the trail. Andrew has a peculiar way to ward off bears. I tend to rely on my bear bell. Andrew yells out loudly and suddenly "Hey BEAR" at frequent intervals. (I find this somewhat disconcerting as I hike along trails - but I prefer to hike with whomever will hike with me - and he's a good hiking partner) He's sure his method is more effective. The brush was deep but the trail was clear. He had been yelling often but as they rounded a curve in the trail, they surprised a grizzly sleeping under a tree in the shade. Andrew was in front. He remembers simply seeing the bear's face, about 10 feet in front of him. He says all three immediately began a quick backward walk yelling to the bear to leave them alone. He says he was more scared than any prior time in his life. He told me he peed himself.

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