Friday, August 7, 2009

No internet

Thanks, friends for even checking out this website. It has become a journal for me. We haven't had internet for quite a while but I've discovered this "bar" across the road - and when I can't get on internet, I write in WORD and then cut and paste. I am able to aremember so much more. As I look back, I realize how much I would have lost without this blog. Thank you for helping me with it. I am trying to find time to figure the picture thing. I have TWO days off this week -
perhaps it'll happen
I've posted the writings of the last few days.
Thanks for reading.
It's blue sky here today with big cumulous clouds. We had rain yesterday. The wind is from the north and this morning our sky is not smoky. That's great news - if it will hold - because the fire is due north of here.

1 comment:

  1. Barb,
    We love your jounal! Carol & I went to Upper Soada Yesterday to visit with "big doug" and back home down the McKenzie by car. Enjoy!
