Saturday, August 29, 2009

fly fishing & fox

This is the fox we met as the bus pulled into the homestead tonight. There is a cat in the bushes. I'd meant to write about the cat earlier. He's a scrawny alley cat and I've wondered how he had survived until now. Tonight the only thing that saved him was our arrival. That fox had him almost - but when we pulled up the cat ran to us - and the fox skulked away.

This is me - flyfishing for the first time in my life. Our guide/trainer was wonderful and as soon as I get home, I'm purchasing a fly fishing outfit! It was wonderful. I did happen to catch two Arctic Grayling - but I preferred to just cast and reel in - it was a lovely feeling -
Now, honestly, I must tell you that we hike 1/2 mile into Fish Creek through tundra. It was definitely uphill both ways. We walked through bogs. That is - THEY walked through bogs. I sometimes got bogged down. Once the bog was so deep I thought it would go over the hip waders - but it didn't - What a hike! The bushes were taller than I've ever noticed and the bogs deeper - and colder!! When we got there originally to the fishing site, our guide pulled out a rifle and then set it away and brought a large handgun. I've never been fishing with an armed guide but I didn't mind the gun one bit! Please note the scenery. This is autumn and it's incredible.

I interviewed Don last night. I'm still thinking about our interview. I had planned to interview one of our cooks tonight but we missed connections.
I was late getting back from the train tonight. The 430 new guests didn't slow us down one bit - but the young male moose standing at the Visitor Center stopped traffic! I got a picture with my cell phone but it was awful - sorry - I forgot I had my camera in the backpack.
There's a new girl in town. Her name is Hanna Marie. She was born yesterday (but she didn't fall off a turnip truck!) She is the daughter of Chris and April and the baby sister of Leilah. She is beautiful

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