Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Simple Things

Today was extraordinarily beautiful here. The sun baked us at almost 75 degrees, very warm for here. The sun shines all day and all night but today everything just looked even better than usual - mountains all around us - and everyone commenting on the gorgeous day - all day.
A French couple came in and I was called over to help. That was SO much FUN! I believe my French is actually getting better. I had to apologize to them for how bad it was - but they kept thanking me. They're traveling in a foreign country and not speaking the language. We had a great time and they signed up for some tours and we worked out how to be sure they got aboard. I also talked to the night desk person and she'll watch out for them when then are there tomorrow at 6:30 a.m. for their Kantishna experience. Oooh. That was the high point of today.
The low point of today was at the train. I had my radio - but when my supervisor called me, I tried to turn the radio UP but instead turned it off. So, I didn't realize she wanted me to bring the 100 persons WITH me to the north gate. I did not look smart. People got gummed up getting aboard the train.
Tomorrow is a new day.
Tonight a group of us played cards. That was a second high point of the day.

My mother let me know last week that the doctor found something sinister in a recent test and that there is some kind of blockage. They stopped the chemo she has been taking. She was very, very low about that so I've been calling each day and checking on her. Now, after a week of being low, she doesn't seem to recall how low she was or that there was a blockage. Now, she thinks she's just doing real fine - and the chemo starts again in two weeks. I do not know which end is up.
I do know that my brother called today. My sister who just battled throat cancer is having difficulty breathing and they've found suspicious spots on her lungs. Janet was my first, best friend. She's two years younger than me. Every damn thing that could go wrong for her did go wrong - ever since she caught Chicken Pox from me when we were little and she got encephalitis - She was never the same. She has smoked heavily for all her adult life. Now this. I only know this. She was my first best friend. In many ways, I lost her a long time ago, but this is a crowning blow.
I remind myself that even if I were home, I could not fix anything. I try to live day by day and moment by moment but some days I just want to say it. I do not know how to make some horrible truths better.

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